Visibility Group VVVVVSM
A measure of the opacity of the atmosphere. An automated,
instrumentally-derived visibility value is a sensor value converted to an
appropriate visibility value using standard algorithms and is considered to be
representative of the visibility in the vicinity of the airport runway complex.
A manually-derived visibility value is obtained using the "prevailing visibility"
concept. In this section, the term "prevailing visibility" shall refer to both
manual and instrument derived values.
Units of Measure
Visibility shall be reported in statute miles at US observing sites.
Note: The WMO standard is to report visibility in meters, where 2800
represents 2,800 meters and 9999 represents a visibility greater than
9500 meters (9.5 km).
Prevailing visibility
The greatest distance that can be seen throughout at
least half the horizon circle, not necessarily continuous; the visibility that
is continuous; the visibility that is considered representative of visibility
at the station.
Sector visibility
The visibility in a specified direction that represents at
least a 45 degree arc of the horizon circle.
When the manually-derived visibility is not uniform in all
directions, the horizon circle shall be divided into arcs that have uniform
visibility and represent at least one eighth of the horizon circle (45 degrees).
The visibility that is evaluated in each sector is sector visibility. Sector
visibility shall be reported in the
remarks section when it differs from the
prevailing visibility by one or more reportable values and either the
prevailing or sector visibility is less than 3 statute miles.
Surface visibility
The prevailing visibility determined from the usual point
of observation.
Tower visibility
The prevailing visibility determined from the airport traffic
control tower (ATCT) at stations that also report surface visibility.
Tower visibility shall be reported in accordance with
agency procedures. See remarks section.
Visibility Observing Standards. Visibility may be
manually determined at either the surface, the tower level, or both. If
visibility observations are made from just one level, e.g., the airport
traffic control tower, that level shall be considered the "usual point of
observation" and that visibility shall be reported as surface visibility. If
visibility observations are made from both levels, the visibility at the tower
level may be reported as tower visibility.
Visibility may be automatically determined by sensors operating in accordance
with the Federal Standard Algorithms for Automated Weather Observing Systems
Used for Aviation Purposes. This visibility algorithm calculates a mean
visibility which is the sensor equivalent of prevailing visibility. The
visibility data during the period of observation are examined to determine if
variable visibility shall be reported.
Manual Observing Aids. Agencies shall establish procedures to ensure that
insofar as possible, dark or nearly dark objects viewed against the horizon sky
shall be used during the day, and unfocused lights of moderate intensity (about
25 candela) shall be used during the night as reference points for manually
determining visibility. In addition, visibility sensors may be used to assist
the observer in the evaluation.
Method of determining visibility. Manually-derived visibility shall
be evaluated as frequently as
practicable. All available visibility reference points shall be used. The
greatest distances that can be seen in all directions around the horizon circle
shall be determined. When the visibility is greater than the distance to the
farthest reference point, the greatest distance seen in each direction shall be
estimated. The estimate shall be based on the appearance of the most distant
visible reference points. If they are visible with sharp outlines and little
blurring of color, the visibility is much greater than the distance to them.
If they can barely be seen and identified, the visibility is about the same as
the distance to them. After visibilities have been determined around the
entire horizon circle, they shall be resolved into a single value for reporting
purposes. To do this, the greatest distance that can be seen throughout at
least half the horizon circle, not necessarily continuous shall be used; this
is prevailing visibility. If the visibility is varying rapidly during the time
of the observation, the average of all observed values across the horizon circle
shall be used for reporting purposes. Prevailing visibility shall be reported
in all weather observations. The reportable values for visibility are listed
in Table A-3. If the actual visibility falls halfway between two reportable
values, the lower value shall be reported.
Variable Prevailing Visibility. If the prevailing visibility rapidly
increases and decreases by 1/2 statute mile or more, during the time of the
observation, and the prevailing visibility is less than 3 miles, the
visibility is considered to be variable. The minimum and maximum visibility
values observed shall be reported in the
remarks section.
Visibility at Second Location. When an automated station uses a meteorological
discontinuity visibility sensor, remarks shall be added to identify visibility
at the second location which differ from the visibility in the body of the
report. See remarks section.
Table A-3 Reportable
Values |
Source of Visibility Report |
Automated |
Manual |
M1/4 |
2 |
9a |
0 |
5/8 |
1 5/8 |
4 |
12 |
1/4 |
2 1/2 |
10 |
1/16 |
3/4 |
1 3/4 |
5 |
13 |
1/2 |
3 |
- |
1/8 |
7/8 |
1 7/8 |
6 |
14 |
3/4 |
4 |
- |
3/16 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
15 |
1 |
5 |
- |
1/4 |
1 1/8 |
2 1/4 |
8 |
20 |
1 1/4 |
6a |
- |
5/16 |
1 1/4 |
2 1/2 |
9 |
25 |
1 1/2 |
7 |
- |
3/8 |
1 3/8 |
2 3/4 |
10 |
30 |
1 3/4 |
8a |
- |
1/2 |
1 1/2 |
3 |
11 |
35b |
a. These values may not be reported by some automated
b. Further values in increments of 5 statute miles may be reported;
i.e., 40, 45, 50, etc. |
Table A-4 Summary of Visibility
Observing and Reporting Standards and Procedures |
Visibility |
Type of Station |
Automated |
Manual |
Surface |
Represents 10-minutes of sensor outputs
Visual Evaluation of Visibility
around the horizon |
Variable |
Reported when the prevailing
visibility varies by 1/2 mile or more and the visibility is less than
3 miles |
Tower |
Augmented |
Reported at stations with an ATCT |
Sector |
Not Reported |
Reported at all stations |
Coding the Visibility Group
For U.S. Stations:
- The surface visibility, VVVVVSM, shall be coded in statute miles using
the values listed in Table A-3.
- A space shall be coded between whole numbers
and fractions of reportable visibility values.
- The visibility group shall
always end with SM to indicate that the visibility is in statute miles.
For example, a visibility of one and a half statute miles would be coded
- Automated stations shall use an M to indicate "less than" when reporting
visibility. For example, M1/4SM means a visibility of less than one-quarter
statute mile.
- Note: The term CAVOK is not used in the United States.
See below.
International Standard for Reporting Visibility
- WMO standards indicate that horizontal visibility, VVVV, is to be reported
in whole meters. When the horizontal visibility is not the same in
all directions, the minimum visibility is given for VVVV followed,
without a space, by Dv, the direction of the visibility
observed given by a one or two letter indicator of the eight points of the
compass (N, NE, etc.). If the minimum visibility reported by
VVVVDv is less than 1500 meters and the maximum
visibility in another direction is greater than 5000 meters, then the visibility
group VVVVDv is followed by the group
VxVxVxVxDVv which is the
maximum visibility and direction.
- The term CAVOK is an acceptable contraction (meaning Ceiling and Visibility
OK) for international use. It indicates that:
- No clouds exist below 5,000 feet or below the highest minimum
sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no cumulonimbus are present.
- Visibility is 10 kilometers or more and,
- No precipitation, thunderstorms, sandstorm, duststorm, shallow
fog, or low drifting dust, sand or snow is occurring.
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f. Tower or Surface Visibility (TWR_VIS_vvvvv or SFC_VIS_vvvvv).
Tower visibility or surface visibility (see paragraphs 6.5.4 and 6.5.5)
shall be coded in the formats, TWR_VIS_vvvvv or SFC_VIS_vvvvv,
respectively, where vvvvv is the observed tower/surface
visibility value. A space shall be coded between each of the remark
elements. For example, the control tower visibility of 1 1/2 statute
miles would be coded "TWR VIS 1 1/2".
g. Variable Prevailing Visibility (VIS_vnvnvnvnvnVvxvxvxvxvx).
Variable prevailing visibility shall be coded in the format
VIS_vnvnvnvnvnVvxvxvxvxvx, where VIS is the remark
identifier, vnvnvnvnvn is the lowest visibility evaluated,
V denotes variability between two values, and vxvxvxvxvx
is the highest visibility evaluated. There shall be one space following
the remark identifier; no spaces between the letter V and the
lowest/highest values. For example, a visibility that was varying
between 1/2 and 2 statute miles would be coded "VIS 1/2V2" (see
paragraphs 6.4.5 and 6.5.3).
h. Sector Visibility (VIS_[DIR]_vvvvv) [Plain Language]. The
sector visibility shall be coded in the format, VIS_[DIR]_vvvvv,
where VIS is the remark identifier, [DIR] defines
the sector to 8 points of the compass, and vvvvv is the sector
visibility in statute miles, using the appropriate set of values in
Table 12-1 (see paragraphs 6.4.6 and 6.5.7). For example, a visibility
of 2 1/2 statute miles in the northeastern octant would be
coded "VIS NE 2 1/2".
i. Visibility At Second Location (VIS_vvvvv_[LOC]). At designated
automated stations, the visibility at a second location shall be coded
in the format VIS_vvvvv_[LOC], where VIS is the remark
identifier, vvvvv is the measured visibility value, and [LOC]
is the specific location of the visibility sensor(s) at the station (see
paragraph 6.5.6). This remark shall only be generated when the condition
is lower than that contained in the body of the report. For example, a
visibility of 2 1/2 statute miles measured by a second sensor located at
runway 11 would be coded "VIS 2 1/2 RWY11".